What Is Minimum Down Payment For A Second Home? Conventional loans for vacation homes are an option, but be prepared to make a larger down payment, pay a higher interest rate and meet tighter guidelines than you would for a mortgage on your principal residence. The minimum down payment for a vacation home is usually 20% for a mortgage guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, but many lenders have raised their minimum down payment requirement to 30% or even 35% for a second home. To qualify for a conventional loan on a second home, you will typically need to meet higher credit score standards of 725 or even 750, depending on the lender. Your monthly debt-to-income ratio needs to be strong, particularly if you are attempting to limit your down payment to 20%. All borrowers need to fully document their income and assets for a second home loan because lenders will need to see significant cash reserves to make sure you have the resources to handle payments on two homes. Call Amber Cyman now to talk about buying a waterfront house. Amber Cyman Real Estate 511 E Front St Suite 102 Traverse City, MI 49686 231-944-9979 https://ambercyman.com https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6707706476642726282
source https://t.co/8ilK2Fcq61?amp=1
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